Lung Cancer related to Mesothelioma (pleural mesothelioma)
Lung cancer is a deadly disease that has been known to take more lives than breast cancer every year. Lung cancer is not only caused as a result of smoking. Asbestos is the main cause for certain types of cancers with in the lungs.
Mesothelioma, is a rare type of lung cancer that develops due to exposure to asbestos. It is the type of cancer which affects the protective lining of the lungs and internal chest walls where as lung cancer occurs inside the lungs. Mesothelioma is also known as Pleural Mesothelioma.
This disease is developed through exposure to asbestos inhaled through dust and fibre; it may also be present in water supply and food. Study shows that Mesothelioma can also be caused by washing clothes of a person exposed to asbestos. Although, it is not caused by smoking but smoking increases the risk of other asbestos cancers. Symptoms of Mesothelioma generally appear after several years of exposure to asbestos, in some cases it has showed after fifteen years and in other cases it has taken up to 35 years.
Mesothelioma is generally diagnosed at its last stages, which leads to complications in the process of treatment. Other main reasons for difficulty in its diagnosis are the common physical symptoms. That can easily be mistaken for flu, pneumonia, heart disease or bronchitis. Patients also experience shortness of breath which is due to the Pleural effusion. It is the excess amount of fluid present in the pleura, fluid space surrounding the lungs. This limits the space for expansion of lungs thus causing difficulty in breathing. Chest wall pain, weight, coughing, wheezing and hoarseness are other common symptoms.
First step of diagnosing Mesothelioma gathering the patients complete medical history and a complete physical examination.
Other tests will be chosen according to these reports. Biopsy, radiological tests, chest X-ray, CT scan and microscopic examination are tests that help in determining the disease. It is also very important for the physician to determine the stage of the illness to suggest a suitable treatment. Biopsy, it is the process of removing tissue from the body to examine the cancer under a microscope. This test has to be conduct very carefully as the malignant mesothelioma cell may appear to be other type of cancer. Inserting a tube with camera can be used to take biopsy, this type of examination is called .thoracoscopy. Radiological tests are like an X-ray and CT scan but they play a major role in the diagnosing of this type of cancer.
Blood tests also help in the process of diagnosing, development of a new blood test ‘Mesomark’ can help in early diagnosis of mesothelioma.
As this disease is generally diagnosed at its last stages , it is important for the doctor to know the stage of the illness , this will confirm the parts of the body to which mesothelioma has spread. Even though there many more options for treatment of this disease then there were a decade ago, still it is very difficult to find a treatment. This type of cancer is very aggressive and is also resistant to the treatment. Chemotherapy, surgery and radiation are the common treatments.
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